Seasons Freebie

We’ve been talking about seasons this week and I wanted to share an activity with you that we did today. I was so impressed with how they turned out!

We read this book (it’s one that I inherited from another K teacher when she retired…so I have no idea where you can find it). There are a lot of great books about seasons out there though so no worries 🙂


The front cover gave me an idea and I had the kiddos create their own 4 square writing about the seasons. I had them write the four different seasons first.



Then, they had to illustrate a picture of each season. I told them that they could either draw and write about something that happened in nature or something they like to do. Then, I had the write a sentence about their drawing. They just turned out so great, that I had to make sure that I shared with all of my favorite Kindergarten people 🙂

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Even if you can’t get your hands on a good book about seasons, check out Harry Kindergarten’s song about seasons.


Grab it here and now it’s time for me to catch up on the Bachelor 🙂



  1. EEEKKK! I love this! Thank you!