Snow Day! Prayers for a friend

Can I just say that I was in desperate need of a snow day?

When I saw that there was some chance of snow, my thought was “Yeah, right.” I thought that I would be disappointed if I even began to think there was a chance of being out today. Surely, we will not being seeing a flake. Last year our total amount of snow days was a big fat ZERO. I woke up last night around midnight and looked out of the window and saw flakes.

Which immediatly made want to go to to the store and buy milk and bread (not really because I don’t drink milk or eat bread…).

That is the joke.

If you don’t live here, then you don’t get it.

I slept for 12 hours.

I’m still in my PJs.

If you read my post on Sunday, you know that a Kindergarten teacher that I work with (that happens to be one of my best friends) is going through something unimmaginalbe with her 15 year old son. His name is Hunter. They are in desperate need of your prayers. He was told this weekend that he may not be able to walk again after suffering a severe neck injury. I know in my heart of hearts that this is not going to happen. I know that God is bigger and better than any prognosis.

Emily, his mom and my friend, is with him and they are experiencing small miracles every second of every day. He needs your prayers and even more… “likes” on Facebook. He’s 15 and social media is his life line right now. I know you don’t know me, Emily or Hunter, but so many of you have already reached out to their family just because you read my blog. It has brought me to tears and I am grateful for your outpouring of heartfelt love.

I generally (even as a teenager) do not like teenagers.

They scare me.

That’s why I teach Kindergarten.

Hunter is the best kid I have ever met and known. He is the only teenager that I have ever liked. He knows this because he comes in to my classroom after highschool everyday (except on wrestling practice days) and hangs with me in my room until Emily comes to get him to go home. He lights everyone up that is around him. He has a heart of gold.

From one teacher to another, please help Hunter. You can like his page and leave him encouraging words here.

Prayers for Hunter Garstin. 

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“As educators, we remember and honor our fallen colleagues and their students from Sandy Hook School.  We honor them each day in our classrooms in which we continue their dream of teaching our children.  We honor their memory with our service.  Join with teachers everywhere in committing random acts of kindness to show our love for Sandy Hook.”


All during this week, please promote the RAK on social media.  Use the hashtag:  #love4SH


  1. Thanks for the update on Hunter. We talked about him at dinner the other night and are praying for him every day. We were wondering how he was doing and how we can pray more specifically. We will continue to ask for God’s hand of healing on his body!!

  2. Our family is Continuing to pray for Hunter everyday. Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.