We had such a fun day making snow foam! It was incredibly easy and the kids loved it. I’m not going to say it was as clean experiment but that could be the fact that I dumped half a box of Baking Soda on the floor while I was trying to pour it in the clear tup…maybe that’s just me 🙂
All you need for snow foam is equal amounts of chilled baking soda and shaving cream. I put both in the refrigerator to give it the snow feeling of coldness.
I used a clear tub to mix it together so the kids could really get their hands in there. And there you have it friends, snow foam!
It feels a lot like snow so kids were able to form snowballs. They had the best time “playing” in the snow since we had snow last weekend then it turned in to summer overnight (it’s 65 degrees here today…). It went along perfectly with our study about The Snowy Day!
After we experienced the snow (and washed our hands…whew!), we wrote about our findings because scientists always record their observations…of course!
If you’d like to try snow foam out in your classroom, click on the picture and it will take you to a pdf so you can print it out. Have fun!