No matter if it’s Spring Break or not…you gotta love a Friday!
I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five For Friday.
Spring Break or not, I’ve still been busy!
1. I have been with my best teaching bud in Gulf Shores, AL for our Spring Break. This is the third time we have come together. The weather has been kind of cold this week, but we have still managed to get in the sun and enjoy some Vitamin D!

2. I started Teaching Blog Traffic School this week. Charity Preston is a bloggy genius and I have loved learning from her. I am someone that always wants to learn and wants to better anything that I am doing. Once I decided that I was going to start blogging and creating TpT products, I go in all the way. If you are looking for some help or you are a new blogger, I would recommend that you try it out!
3. Along with this, I had to reorganize my Pinterest page. It was a hot mess and I keep wanting to put my social media on the side of my blog, but was actually embarrassed at the state my Pinterest page was in. I had to fix it…it was a tedious task but I did it! I am planning on having a giveaway later this week just for Pinterest. I am embracing it ;0)
4. Before Spring Break, we were doing Fairy Tales and when we get back we are going to read these fun books! I ordered them on the way down to the beach with my K buddy. I am excited to read them and talk about point of view. I am really trying to go outside of the box with Fairy Tales. I love reading them and talking about them. I am most excited to read the Cinderella version.
5. While sitting on the beach this week, I read the book Gone Girl…I’m not sure if I recommend it or not. It definitely was not an easy breezy mindless read that I usually go for on the beach. Honestly, I’m still scratching my head. When it ended, I thought there was another chapter. I hate that!

Does anyone have any good book recommendations? I feel like I’m running out of books to read!
***Make sure to check out my Facebook Page to answer a question on my wall and win my Fairy Tale unit for participating 🙂 Hope you will give it a thumbs up while you’re there! ***
Have a fabulous weekend….love to all my favorite teacher bloggers and readers!
Looks like a wonderful Spring Break, minus the cold. I just went on Amazon and bought those books and a bunch more fairy tales and writing picture books. Can’t wait for them to come! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
It’s “OWL” Good in Kindergarten
You’ll have to blog about what you bought or email me!
I will def. let you know once they get here. It might take a few different shipments. I went a little overboard. Too many cute titles to pick from. 🙂
I LOVE Gulf Shores!!
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
Me too! So relaxing!
I was also frustrated with the ending of Gone Girl. It wasn’t the ending I was hoping for at all. I just read The Night Circus and LOVED it!
Polka Dot Kinders
Thanks for the recommendation…I’m going to get that on my Kindle. I don’t think I am going to read any more of her books.They are a little too dark for this girl 🙂
We’ve gone to Gulf Shores a few times! It’s pretty there! When we go, we eat at Lambert’s Cafe. There’s nothing better than having people throw rolls at you! Well, the shopping outlets are great, too! 🙂
Adventures in First with Mrs. Key
We didn’t make it to Lambert’s this time but ate so much seafood I’m probably going to be good with no seafood for at least a year 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
I LOVE those books! I don’t normally try to sell a product to a blogging buddy, but I created a couple of products to go along with those books! If you are interested, check it out! It’s all common core and my biggest seller!
They are great for point of view!!
Yay for sunshine! I came back from spring break (75 degree weather) to 20 degree weather! It took me all week to adjust to to the cold temps! I froze all week! I hope to get caught up this weekend on what everyone has been up to the past two weeks!
Take care!
Girl…I was totally thinking about your point of view unit. I’m about to e-mail you…
Looks like you had a blast on your break!! I love to read too but haven’t found anything lately that I’ve liked. And don’t ya hate it when something that you’ve been in to doesn’t end right…ugh so annoying! 🙂
Mrs. Thigpen’s Kindergarten
There was no closure! It was also kind of a creepy book :-/
Looks like a great time! I am going to have to check out those fairy tale books! Love your fairy tale unit! I think I am going to do the teaching blog traffic school too, just can’t decide if I should do it now or wait until summer?!?
Clearly Kindergarten
You could start now…I think that it’s a good program to just do as you can. I have really enjoyed doing it and it’s making me do things that I keep putting off. Let me know if you start!
Hi Elizabeth! The beach sounds great. I just ordered the “Other Side of the Story” books that you talked about; they look really fabulous. I also collect different versions of really well known fairy tales. I made a whole carousel of different Cinderella books as well as some songs I found that go along with the books. You can see that post here on my blog:
Multicultural Cinderella and More
I also just put up a freebie in my latest post titled “Having Fun with Habitats”.
Your latest follower,
Sharon Dudley, NBCT
Teaching with Sight
Thank you Sharon! I really appreciate that. I am headed over to your blog right now to read all about it 🙂
I found your blog through the Five for Friday link. I read Gone Girl as well and felt the same way. It was slow at times too. I think it is supposed to be turned into a movie. Glad to hear you like Teaching Blog Traffic School! I have been thinking about joining, but I might have to wait until summer when I have more time. I am your newest follower!
Literacy Spark
Hi Elizabeth
I found you through Amanda’s blog First Grade Garden. I too started reading Gone Girl on a plane to California a couple weeks ago. I have only read the first few chapters because it was going SLOW…..I could not get into it. And it sounds like it doesn’t pick up from there! Darn.
Glad to have found you!
The Reading Corner