Today was the first official day for the kids to have a summer break. We are in school at meetings until Friday with meetings…but I am going to pretend that I have started too for sake of the linky!
1. Enjoy every second of the trip to London and Dublin. I have gone to Europe once and by the end of it I was crying because I was so tired. I have never cried from exhaustion after the age of 5, but the jet lag I felt and walking around for 10 days got the best of me. I am a complete wimp when it comes to being tired, apparently. My hubby will not be carrying around weepy wife so I am going to be stashing some 5 hours in preparation. I am already giving myself a pep talk!

2. On a car ride not too long ago, my the hubs and I made a 30 before 30 bucket list. One of mine was to go see Beyonce. She is coming to Nashville in July but I have been told not to buy a ticket since she might be preggers…ugh. I will be as close to the stage as possible. Beyonce glitter will be a-flyin’
Should I just buy the ticket!? Has anyone else seen her?
Jon caught me crying once during a Good Morning America performance….that is embarrassing to admit 🙂

3. I have a couple of ideas for products that I want to work on this summer. I am really wanting to do something for our science…ever since I have been a teacher I have felt like our science curriculum has been lacking. I am going to work on something for this school year. I need to start writing things down in my notebook for ideas…
4. Find some time to get to the beach with some teacher friends! This is something that I love to do and we always have the best time together. Hopefully, we will be able to get a group of us together. I have a pretty fabulous team <3
If we don’t make it to the beach, then we will definitely making it to the vineyards again :0)
5. Organize the black hole my classroom.
Have a great trip!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Sounds like an amazing trip! Get lots of rest so you’re not tired 😉 I have to organize my stuff as well! Moving to a new school that won’t be open until aug 19th and school starts the 26th! Yikes! Excited and nervous to get everything together
Love the idea of a 30 before 30 bucket list! Sounds fun!
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
It sounds like you are going to have such a fun summer!! I have never been to London…but have always wanted to go! I have been to Europe…and traveling is tiring!
Mind Sparks
HAHA! Your list cracked me up!! I always cry due to exhaustion…who cares how old you are 😉 Hope you get to check off your bucket list this summer! Thanks for linking up 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the 30 before 30 bucket list idea! I don’t have much time though… I’ll be 30 in July! eekk! Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip to Europe!
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