Sunday Funday- Peek at My Week

Not really but I am pretending that it is.

I can’t tell you how good it feels to sit in my big new comfy chair in my new living room and be able to breathe and relax with a cup of tea! I have plans done for the week, grocery store has been tackeled, ironing is done, and I even got a pedi today with one of my very best friends. Let’s just ignore the pale feet and focus on the new OPI color. It’s called AmazON AmazOFF. It’s one step closer to warmth.


I am beyond the point of needing a tan. My soul has frozen this winter and I am in desperate need of SPRING!!!

The house is coming along. People have been asking for pictures of the inside and they are coming (at some point). It’s just that we are missing things like a couch in the living room and there are certain spots where you may or may not know it a bomb went off.

This moving stuff is for the birds.

We still have some minor things that still need to be done, but all of the major back pain should subside within the week.

The Pinterest bed is done.

We are missing a headboard, but like I said…just minor things. bed

Do you have to go to school tomorrow?

Me too…

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We are doing all of our President’s Day fun this week. Here are the goodies that I am using in our classroom this week:



And this is a freebie. This is one of my favorite things to do with my kiddos. Be sure to check out Brainpopjr this week. It is full of awesome videos and I think the American Symbol video is free.  original-555838-1

On Thursday, the students are doing their 5th oral presentation. It is by far my favorite one because they typically are starting to get more comfortable speaking. If you want to see a presentation in action, here is one from last year. So stinkin’ cute…{Famous American}.

Hope you have time to kick your feet up before the weekend is over!

Happy planning 🙂

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