I woke up this morning and my husband had switched the page on the calendar that we keep on the fridge to August. I had to brace myself when I saw it. Surely…it’s a mistake and I’m not starting back to school tomorrow!?!?
My room is utter chaos because I can’t just keep it the way it was last year. Nope.
I have to rearrange everythang….
I shouldn’t have sat down because now I might not get back up to continue on my classroom situation.
But I gotta do the currently linky…have to.
It’s a priority.
While I set up my classroom, Pandora is a must.
John Mayer station is my current station of choice.
I did a post about the Moving Word Wall a few weeks…days…something like that ago. Every teacher that has walked in has made a comment about it. Nothing else, like furniture, was set up. The moving word wall…is a hit. Distraction from the pandemonium is the key while you set up your room. Set up something colorful with chevron and you are set.

Moving on.
My husband and I are in the beginning stages of building a house and we live right around the corner. We have driven by for the past two weeks in hopes that there would be a shovel in the ground.
No such luck.
Again…what the world. It’s August people.
How does this happen!?!?
Don’t you love my back to school “must haves”. I live in an alternate reality I suppose 🙂
Thank you all for leaving such thoughtful comments about your goals this year. I loved reading them and hopefully we can all keep each other in check as the year unfolds.
Kelly Brown was lucky comment number 14.
Check your e-mail Kelly.
I had a great dinner this past Monday night with someone you all might know.
Kim Adsit…anyone heard of her? 😛
I have enjoyed getting to know her along with so many other fabulous bloggers this summer!
I’m already counting down the days til Vegas next summer!
Found you through the Currently post. LOVE the word wall! I’m doing chevron this year too 🙂
Tales of Teaching in Heels
I changed everything this year! It looks really cute 🙂 Good luck setting everything up!
Still in love with that moving word wall!
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
I can’t wait to use it this year!
That looks like a really cool word wall. I’m going back to read your post about it! I think I may have found some inspiration here! Thanks!
Rambling About Reading
Hooray! I’m so glad. Laminate them really hot and then cut out or you are going to be doing a lot of cutting 🙂
Your blog is awesome and I love the word wall! Good luck with your house! 🙂
Thirsty Firsties
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you so much! I am so excited! I cannot wait to get the goodies!
Heading to you today!
I L.O.V.E. your word wall!!! I pinned it! New project….may start tomorrow! 🙂
A Sunny Day in First Grade
Woohoo! It looks awesome when it’s done!
I love your moving word wall!
Fun in ECSE
Thank you!
Love the moving word wall! Hang in there with building the house. Do you find yourself visiting Restoration Hardware and watching HGTV often? I spent hours dreaming. You’ll have a home before you know it! Your picture with KIm Adsit is great! I think she’s one of the nicest!
YES! I am spending way too much time looking at home decorating blogs and websites..so funny. Good luck back to school!
Good luck with the house! How exciting! Wine stash-hilarious! 🙂
We are super excited 🙂
Wine is definitely a must-have for BTS. I just loaded up my wine rack. 🙂 When do you start back to school? I keep going up to school everyday in the hopes I will finish my room so I can start prepping for lesson plans and things, but no such luck. I get in there and do a little of this and a little of that and it seems like not a lot is getting done. 🙁
I think I am going to have to make a moving word wall too. I love yours!!!!!
Glad you had a great time with Kim. Looks like it was a blast!!!!
Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
We start back today!! You’ll get it done 🙂 Good luck…miss ya!
Love the word wall! Way cute!
Mrs. Thigpen’s Kindergarten
Thanks girl 🙂