Hadar at Miss Kindergarten is hosting a fun linky party. She is the one person I didn’t get a chance to meet in Vegas and I am super bummed :-/ I think we could have been bloggy buds…sadness. All the more reason to go again next year!
Going in to my fifth year as a Kindergarten teacher, I feel like I have learned so much from my students and about myself as a teacher and as a person.
1. Relationships are key. I mean the most important thing you could ever do as a teacher is create a classroom where every single student knows you love them more than anything. You would do anything for them and they feel that. Don’t fake it like you love them…they can totally feel that. Work on trying to love them. You may have to fake it for awhile but you will find that connection but some just take longer than others.The kids that are the hardest to love are the ones that need you the most.
Don’t you just think of Mr. Feeny? He’s my most favorite TV teacher.

2. You gotta be flexible. Things aren’t always going to go your way. It might rain on Field Day (twice and then get cancelled) a kid (or you) might puke as they walk in the door or you might teach a lesson and the kids just don’t grasp it the first time. I have marks and arrows all over my lesson plan book. I don’t get to everything that I want to…like ever.
Love this quote…

3. Be super silly when you know your kids will be surprised about it (in a controlled type way ha). Your kiddos have to laugh. It creates a strong community between you and your students. Obviously, you can’t be a goofball all day, but they need to see you loosen up.
4. Set your expectations high for your students. Set the bar high because even kinders can do it. Allow your students to surprise you by not doing it for them! That is super hard for kindergarten teachers because we just want to do it so. we. can. move. on. and most of us are the OCD perfectionist 🙂 We only let the “looks like a Kindergartner did it” go so far before we step in.
I am saying “we” because I know you do….

5. Lysol is your best friend. I would like to invent one of those spray things when kids walk in they just get a spritz of disinfectant. Doesn’t seem like the most safe thing to inhale in your lungs but I’m sure there is some organic/holistic something out there that would work.
6. Be willing to co-teach. I did a guest post a few months ago over at Kindergarten Lifestlye about my adventures with co-teaching this year. You should read it if you think you could ever be presented with that opportunity. It’s amazing and I would recommend it to any teacher at any grade level.
7. Rely on parents or other volunteers to help you do things! I tried to do everything myself at the beginning of my first year because I was nervous to ask. There is a great on-line sign-up program called Sign Up Genius. I haven’t used it yet because I just leaned about it this year, but I am
8. Teaching is hard. Like really hard. And if you aren’t one, then you don’t get it. You don’t get to pee when you want, you can’t eat a normal lunch, and there is always something that needs to be taken care of. My classroom is the black hole.

9. Continue to learn. Things are always changing and there are so many wonderful ideas and other teachers out there to help you!
10. I have the best job in the world 🙂

Great tip about flexibility! Flexibility is so key…especially in the early grades!
🙂 Tamra and Sarah
First Grade Buddies
I would be crazy if I stressed out about all the little things!
Bahaha! #8 is AWESOME! Love all 10, though!
Learning With Mrs. Leeby
#7 is sooooo true! Delegate…it’s the only way to get things done! I’ve used sign up genius and I love it!
I can’t wait to use it this year! I hope that it is as easy as it looks 🙂
With you on #4! I truly belive that our kidlets will meet any expectation we set for them… why not make them high and be their biggest cheerleader? 🙂
Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!