Woohoo! So fun to get to do this with one of my best bloggy buds! I am linking up with Jessica from Mrs. Sanford’s class and did a product swap!
Amanda and I had set this up right after we had both started blogging and I am thrilled that we were able to do this together. You know,my buddy, Amanda from Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten?
If you don’t, you should!
We swapped literacy and math. I picked the math activity! What I love about this pack is that you can use it all.year.long. I always complain talk about not having good math activities for the kids to that are relevant. You can do a few of these math surveys with them at the beginning of the year and then they’ve got it. It’s also a great way to get the kids up and moving during a math lesson. It is also very powerful for Kindergarten students to go up to another student and ask them a pointed question. Not to mention, this was a great activity for my little autistic friends that really struggle with social skills. I really wish I would have been able to start this unit at the beginning of the year. Next year, that will be a definite!
I was so grateful to have this on a day when it was raining outside and the kids were super bummed that they weren’t able to go outside. They did love doing this for math though!
I snapped some pictures of the kiddos doing one of the Spring Surveys that she has in her pack. Now that they have done it once, there is one in a math tub with clipboards ready to go for next week! Like I said, this is a product that will be worth your money because it will last you for the entire year!

These surveys look like so much fun!! I love any activity that gets my kinders up and moving around. 🙂 I also love when they are able to interact with one another in meaningful ways!! Data collection is such an important real-world skill and it also builds community. Win-Win!!
amyswan20 at gmail dot com
Happy Teacher Heaven
This looks awesome! We do a lot of data collection using tallies and graphs in our classroom, but I’m always looking for tools that will help them do it more independently. It would be a great thing for them to do in the morning during breakfast/morning work time.
Rebecca Thompson
I love that it is something you can use all year and the kids can do it independently. They look like tons of fun!
K-3 Connection
The surveys look like a lot of fun! I would put them in my math station bins. ilovekdgt@gmail.com
Polka Dot Kinders
Oh gosh, these would be great!
Her math surveys look great! Don’t you just love this product swap?
Lovely Literacy and More