Thick and Thin Questions

It’s that time of the year when we all start to feel a little bit anxious about the breaks we have coming in our future. A lot of us just got done with our Fall breaks and we have Thanksgiving and Christmas break on the horizon. This is also the time of year when we start to have Parent Teacher conferences and sickness begins. Meaning that this is the time of year we start to loose our August back to school enthusiastic selves.

I am talking to myself here.

One thing I’ve really been thinking about is the kind of questions we are asking our students and by modeling those higher order thinking questions, we hope that our students will start to develop questions while they are reading to help them better understand. This week, I’m planning on introducing my students to “Think and Thin” questions. Here is a quick anchor chart.


 I have also been using my little ring of questions to help bring in some higher order thinking during our regular whole group lessons to get kids thinking a little more. Now that we are past the routine stage, we can start digging a little deeper with our kiddos!

I hope this is a helpful tool for you to refer back to and introduce to your students so they can start asking those higher order questions!