I feel like I haven’t done a great job explaining to the bloggy world about Wednesday Word Problems and what an amazing tool is has been to have in Kindergarten. When I first heard the idea, I thought it was crazy because I though there was no way a Kindergarten student could solve problems on their own. As I embraced it and became more of an advocate for it, I saw the benefits of it. The improvement really happens when you begin doing this starting in August. Taking time to talk to students about the problem solving process can never start too early.
I put an example in google docs for anyone that wants to try it! In the middle of the year, I start to put a check-list on the bottom. That way, the students can go back and assess themselves to see if they circled the important information, underlined the question and drew a picture to show their thinking. I have created packs for the different months and there is a bundled unit. Try one with your students and see how they do…I bet they will amaze you 🙂

Here are my kids doing a Wednesday Word Problem with their teddy bear counters.