Book Study: Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: Chapter 4

I think that we all know that this is something that is so important in the lower grades. I do think that art of play is lost as the demands in the classroom become more of a focal point.

I love the quote, “Using game formats encourages students to cooperate with one another, helps them focus and pay attention, and is motivating and loads of fun.”

Here are my big take away points from this chapter. Games are a huge part of my classroom and (again…) I just feel so reassured about the things that we are doing!


BUILD has been a huge part of my classroom. It is the “B” part of the equation and stands for “Buddy Games”. When they go to a tub that has the buddy games in it, they are playing different math games.




At the beginning of the year, my kids LOVED playing ABC Football. If you want to read more about it, you can click here. These are some pictures that I took when we played in the Fall. I am going to be finding ways to use it this Spring. It’s just been a longgg winter. Not to say you can’t play it inside…but it just wasn’t as exciting as the courtyard 🙂




Something that really stuck out to me in this chapter was allowing students to create their own games. I don’t think that had ever even crossed my mind! I love that idea and I think it would help promote some great collaboration and higher order thinking for my kiddos.

What great games have you been using this year?  I can’t wait to read all of your blogs with so many great ideas (as usual)!

*Here is the graphic organizer in case you need/want it.*



  1. I too was struck by the idea of having the kids come up with the games and/or the questions. I’ve done this with older kids at a summer program and they LOVE it. They have so much ownership and pride in their work. Can’t wait to model and guide the little ones to help them create their own games. I’m sure it will be a big hit!

  2. Isn’t it just great to read that what we are doing is sound and research based? If nothing else, this book has given me more confidence in what I’m doing!!!! That’s worth its weight in gold!

  3. I went back to check out your post on ABC Football. Oh my goodness, how fun! I’ve done something similar with the old game “Mother, May I?”, but I’m thinking that the football angle is the way to go!
    Thanks for sharing your great ideas!
    Primary Inspiration

  4. I also want to have my kindergarten kids create their own games! Now I just need to give them materials and let them create away!! I bet they would come up with some great ideas!! Have a great rest of the week!


  5. I love your ABC Football idea! Thanks for sharing your ideas Elizabeth. I finally got my copy of the book…ordered right after reading your first post. I am so glad you and your blogging buddies are hosting this book study. Reading the first few chapters has been great…reading all the research to back up these best practices is so energizing!