Book Study: Work-sheets Don’t Grow Dendrites, Starting February 28th!

Get Ready to do some on-line professional learning with some of your favorite bloggers! After visiting the Ron Clark Academy, so many of us are so inspired to find ways to reach our learners in fun and exciting ways! Starting February 28th, we are going to be hosting a linky party each Tuesday and Saturday […]

Peek at My Presidential Week

I’m trying not to get ahead of myself but I’m just too excited NOT to! LOOK AT THIS!!!!! 8-12 INCHES!!?!? I live in Tennessee where I have never in my whole entire life seen more than a few inches (at best). We haven’t even had one teeny tiny little snow day this year. I think […]

Crankenstein Valentine Activity

I have been feeling very meh this week. You know how it goes this time of the year… It’s freezing, there is no end in sight, and everyone is just ready for some warmer weather!!! I feel like I have lost all of my creativity and I just want it to be Friday already. I’m […]

Seasons Freebie

We’ve been talking about seasons this week and I wanted to share an activity with you that we did today. I was so impressed with how they turned out! We read this book (it’s one that I inherited from another K teacher when she retired…so I have no idea where you can find it). There […]

Peek at My Week

I am SO ready for this week! I love getting Valentine’s Day books together because I really love talking to my kids about Valentine’s Day because it’s just such a happy holiday. There are so many sweet books and it’s such a great time to talk about friendship and being kind to one another. Here […]

Five for Friday

It didn’t start out as the best week in my books. I’m hoping that 1. On Sunday, I found out I had the flu. And it was the worst of the worst. I did, however, watch the entire first two seasons of Downton Abbey. 2. While stranded on the couch watching the first two seasons […]

Subtraction Chant

I’m channeling my inner Ron Clark/Amy Lemons with this subtraction chant. My kids struggle every. single. year. with subtraction. It is so hard for their little minds to grasp the concept of moving back. They inevitably start adding without even meaning to. Amy came up with some really cute chants for verbs and regrouping. I wish […]

What is BUILD math?

I first heard of BUILD from someone who commented on one of my pictures and told me I should look in to it. So I did. And I love it. There is a lot of different versions of BUILD, but this is the format that I follow. I use tubs to store all of my […]