Five for Friday

It didn’t start out as the best week in my books. I’m hoping that


1. On Sunday, I found out I had the flu. And it was the worst of the worst. I did, however, watch the entire first two seasons of Downton Abbey.


2. While stranded on the couch watching the first two seasons of Downton, I up-dated my February units that I’ve been meaning to fix forevveerrrrrr.



3. ย Wednesday was our 100th day of school. I was all decked out in my Goodwill outfit. I don’t know if Maggie was loving my outfit. She’s very judgmental.


4. Today, I presented at the SDE Pre-K conference ๐Ÿ™‚ The icing on the cake was that I got to spend some time with one of my favorite people, Kim Adsit. LOVE her!

Also, saw my face on the SDE brochure for Vegas this summer and I’m a mixture of nerves and excitement. Hope you are going to be there!



5. I had a couple of math posts this week about BUILD and a subtraction chant that I came up with. Hope that one or the other is helpful!



Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. So glad you are feeling better! The flu is such a drag because there is really nothing you can do but just wait it out. Didn’t you LOVE those 1st 2 seasons of Downton Abbey!! That is the way I caught up with it a year or so ago….just got the DVD’s and watched them straight through! So happy to see that you are presenting. I know you will do a fantastic job! Linda Groce

  2. Isn’t Downton the best! I started watching when it first came on and now each winter it is the only show I watch each Sunday night. LOVE it. Glad you found it. If you watched two seasons straight through you must love it, too ๐Ÿ™‚ See you around. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  3. Roberta Culver says:

    Hi Elizabeth! I love your blog! I was wondering if you have ever talked about how you teach sight words in kindergarten? We are required to use CKLA for phonics but are pretty much on our own for sight word instruction.
    Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Roberta Culver

  4. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Love that you are now presenting. ๐Ÿ™‚