Five For Friday

I have had so much that I’ve wanted to blog about this week. I have been so good about taking pictures and making things…but I have been the WORST. Seriously, all time worst at sharing this week. I feel like maybe some of this “Spring Fever” behavior might be rubbing off on me?

I’m not sharing!?!?

I’m a nice person…most of the time.

Here’s what was going down this week…


1. Behavior is sub-par this time of the year.  kidprez

I know you are thinking/feeling the same thing. They (and by “they” I mean “we”) got the taste for summer when we all had Spring Break. You so look forward to that one week off that you forget what it’s like when you come back. It’s like the tan just erases everything that you have worked so hard to build all year.

All character ed. stuff just kind of flies right out of the window.

Thank the lordy for this little guy.

I mean, I can’t get enough of those cheeks. Y’all, I met him at the Beyonce concert and I almost cried I was so excited. I think if I had, he probably would have been even more freaked out than he already was having some crazy tall white lady chasing him down to get a picture #thatwasme.

Even if you don’t show it to your kiddos, it’s a great reminder for adults.


2. If you think behavior flies out the window, handwriting has been sitting in the trash.

Moly, it’s bad.

Solution: Glitter poster and cute clip-art.

Someone asked me if I had this in my TpT store yet.



It will be soon. #movingon

3. I kind of tried to pretend that I forgot about it, but I am running in a 10k.


I did a couple of half marathons after college. Like I already knew, this girl was made for the water. I am not the most graceful when it comes to land sports. The thing is, I can run. I enjoy it. I just don’t really pay attention to where I’m going. I’ve had a few, ahem, spills.

Pushing that out of my mind. I have trained this week by running 4 miles.


I’m officially trained since I could do 4 without passing out.

I think I remember how to train correctly for races. As long as you don’t pass out, then you’re good to go.

I bought a super cute new running watch to match my favorite color. HA

4. So, I really kind of love weather. I secretly thought I was going to be a meterologist. But then I remembered it was the only C I ever recieved in my whole life. There was a lot of vocabulary in that course and that’s not really my strong point. I’d rather just say words like rain and storm as opposed to alberta clipper, or something like that.

Now, I’m just a big weather app fan 🙂

I may have gone a little overboard on Amazon this week for our weather study next week. securedownload


Hey, guess what?



It has been one of the worst/up-lifting/hardest/emotional/craziest/inspiring things I’ve ever gone through with a friend. If this is your first time to visit, Hunter is the son of one of my very best friends and team-mates. He was in a wrestling accident in November and suffered a severe spinal injury that has left him paralyzed. So many amazing and wonderful things are happening around him. It has been truly unbelievable to watch everyone in our community step up for Emily and Hunter. I know he still has a really long road ahead of him, but I am beyond excited for them to be back! We are all wearing our #HunterStrong shirts today and will be waving him in as he comes back home. Throat is closing…eyes are watering.

I think I’ll save my come apart for this afternoon.



  1. So glad Hunter is coming home!! I’ve been praying. I’m on Spring Break in Florida. Not thinking of school at all and I’m sure I’ll go back to all of those problems.

    Kindergarten Korner

  2. First of all, I LOVE the handwriting hall of fame. What an awesome idea. I need to do that, I have seen the decline in legibility.
    A 10K!!!! Holy smokes! GO YOU!!! That’s so exciting! 🙂
    I too just ordered a bundle from Amazon. It’s definitely been my favorite go to for books this year. I got a little crazy for insects. Along with ordering Too Much Glue, because it’s April and for some reason they forget how much glue to use :|… ha!

    So, congratulations on Hunter coming home, what a blessing. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing so much! -Cassie