Five for Friday!


1. I am counting down the seconds until Vegas! I have been {sort of…eek} working on my presentation for the TpT conference and sort of not…Let’s be real, it’s summer. My brain is scattered in a million different places. If you are coming, then you HAVE to come to our meet-up. You won’t want to miss this. It is going to be ridiculously fun and filled with awesome giveaway items. This is when you will get to put a face to all of those blogs. Click on the image to get more details if you are planning on being there.


2. Last Saturday, I did my first triathlon. It was something that I had on my Summer “to-do” list. It is also is sort of a “I’m a total wimp and not going to show up when I sign-up for one” hurdle. I did that twice last summer. When my friend forced me to sign-up and then drove to get me, I didn’t have much choice. I’m so glad I did it with her because I got 3rd in my age group and got a pottery bowl instead of a medal.

I’m so lucky…


3. I have been teaching swim lessons this summer. It seems I can’t go a week without teaching someone to do something. I have been running in to my sweet little kiddos from this school year. I love seeing their faces when they aren’t expecting to see me and when I get some extra summer love. I’m missing them!

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4. We had our first summer cook-out last weekend. It was the one afternoon that it hasn’t been raining like crazy. We love having all of our friends over and being “those crazy neighbors”. {we really aren’t, we just like to think we are that fun}.


5. Last but not least, we finished our handout for the TpT conference. I am going to be on a panel with four other fabulous bloggers {Deedee Wills, Greg Smedley, Cara Carroll and Erica Bohrer}. We are going to be talking about all things blogging! If you are coming, we are hoping to see your bright smiling faces bursting with lots of questions for us. This is one of those sessions where we hope to turn it in to a discussion where you can talk to us about anything. They were my most favorite sessions at BlogHer last summer and we are hoping that it will be one of yours as well!



  1. I’m so sad I won’t be able to come to Vegas! I may come out for Wednesday only, but I’m not 100% sure yet. Either way, good luck! You’ll do great!

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. I am SO sad (and jealous) that I won’t be able to go to Vegas. Maybe next year! I’m sure you’ll rock it!

    And congrats on your first triathlon! I’ve been too chicken to ever try one!

    Tasha Emmerson
    Confessions of a Tiny Teacher

  3. It’s that time of the year when I am super jealous that most bloggers I stalk are on Summer break while we are just coming up to mid-year (Winter) holidays… But mostly I am jealous of all the catch ups and conferences happening in Vegas! I would so love to come along one year. 🙂

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  4. I sooooo wish I was going to Vegas! I’m working hard to get there next year! Have fun!

  5. I’ll be there with sharpened pencils and a ream of paper! I’ve signed up for your session and can’t wait!