Five for Friday


We MADE it!

And we didn’t even get a snow day…wah.

1. We spent a lot of time learning about matter this week! We did some hands-on experiments and walked around the school to find solids.



2. My childhood best friend is getting married this weekend. I am SO excited for her and for all of the wedding festivities 🙂 It’s going to be a little less chilly this weekend so I’m pretty pumped about that!


3. Today, we made the CAH-utest snowmen. I let the students create their own and be creative. They were all shapes and sizes. Then, we used unifex cubes to measure how tall they were.

20150116_134215 (1)

This is a freebie in my TpT store if you want to do it in your classroom 🙂


4. I can’t STAND IT!!!! I’m so excited I’m almost counting down the hours for my return to RCA next week. They opened up a new building and me and some of my best blogger buddies are heading to ATL. I went there last May and it was life changing. I am so excited to spend this time with my friends…it will make it even better!


5. My February BUILD math stations are finally posted. I have been holed up every evening trying to get it finished so they would be ready in time 🙂 It is on sale through the weekend!


Have a great weekend and don’t forget to link up!


  1. LOOOVE the snowmen measuring activity! We have our measurement unit coming up and are all about the snowmen right now. That would be perfect to keep my little ones learning!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Sweet Room 16

  2. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    LOOOVE the snowmen measuring activity! We have our measurement unit coming up and are all about the snowmen right now. That would be perfect to keep my little ones learning!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Sweet Room 16

  3. Yay! We cannot wait to read about your adventures in Atlanta. We loved hearing your stories about your visit last year to the Ron Clark Academy. Have fun at the wedding! We know you will be gorgeous. Happy Friday!

  4. Ahhhh so jealous you are going to RCA! Have a great time. Can’t wait to hear about it!
