Five For Friday


There has been a theme this week here in the south.

It has been like a scene out of Frozen. I live in the south for a reason. You all can make as much fun of me as you want but I just don’t deal with this. There is a reason I live south of the Mason-Dixon line y’all. It’s because I’m cold when I go above it unless I’m in Chicago for a Cubs game. I have never been to New York and 90% of the reason is because I’m sure I’ll freeze to death. Even though I’m sure it’s fab. Maybe I’ll go in July…

1. Here are some pictures of me freezing my you-know-what-off.

My sister and I hit up the golf course and we flew down the hills. It was just as fun as it was cold. The night before, we went sledding with our neighbors from Florida that had never been sledding before. The sled that we were using was my Mom’s sled when she was little and let me tell you something, that thing was slick. Since everything was mainly ice, it was a thrill ride.

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2. I don’t know that many people know this about me, but I am also a spin instructor.

Go figure.

I wear lots of different hats around here.

I was so proud of this group of ladies on Tuesday night! They all braved the ice and snow to get to spin class which helped everyone with their cabin fever. It was also the only 45 minutes of teaching that I did all week! We haven’t been to school since last Friday.


3. Since I was basically stuck inside for 48 hours, I was able to put a large dent in my Vegas presentations! Woohoo!!! Hope you all are coming this summer!


4. I have started on March BUILD. What would you like to see in this unit? What math skills are you really trying to hone in on in the Spring? I have some ideas, but it’s always better when I hear from you all  🙂


5. Start February 28th, there are several bloggers that are going to be partaking in this book study. It’s all going to start right here next Saturday and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for you to be a part of it.


It is going to be a linky party each time but you can still join in the conversation in the comments. It is going to be a way for all of us to start inspiring each other through best practice. Click here or on the picture to read more about it.


Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!


  1. Shanae McCoy says:

    Yay I am so excited about March math stations! We just finished our measurement unit and are working on addition/subtraction and place value. Thank you for all of your awesome work and ideas!

  2. Yeah! I cant wait to see you in VEGAS!!! We are working on 1 more/1 less and addition/subtraction within 5. Thanks for all your haed work.

  3. Ok! I am officially jealous! It so hurts when you see that winter weather advisory in other counties of the south, but yours is not included! I am just barely south of Atlanta and we got nothing!! I mean NO snow at all!! Today there is a winter weather warning for the north area of Georgia……but not here! (sad face) I”m going to have to get over my bad self and move on. Whew…..but it’s a long time until spring break!! Anyway……
    I’m looking forward to being a part of the book linky!! Enjoy the rest of that winter weather you’re having!!
    Linda Groce

  4. I wished I lived in the South! I’m so over all this cold and snow! NY in July is hot, but so awesome! You definitely need to go! I’ve always wanted to try spin. One of my moms at school teaches spin classes. Maybe, I should give it a whirl… no pun intended… well maybe it was intended!

    Good luck with your presentations! You will be great! Oh, and I might need to join you all with your book study!


  5. Love the snow pictures!! And wow are you doing 4 different presentations in Vegas?? I am so impressed! I hope I get to meet you there! Love your blog! 🙂

  6. Jill Ghesquiere says:

    I will be excited for your March BUILD activities! Please help us practice our subtraction, composing and decomposing 11-19 into tens and ones , problem solve, and do some measuring! Thank you for ALL you create and share!