Five for Friday!

Happy Friday!!!


If I’m being honest here…I kind of thought Friday would never get here. It’s sort of been one of those weeks 🙂

1. Part of the reason it might have been an extra slow week is because I am still in full first trimester fun. I kind of feel like a totally different human being. I am almost positive that I have been through a drive through this week  more than I have in a year. One second I love one thing and the next day, it makes me gag. I’ve tried all different types of remedies. I like this preggie pops…depending on the day 🙂


2. We’ve had a lot of fun this week reading different fractured fairy tales. We have had so many thoughtful conversations about different stories. Students started talking about their thinking and giving reasons for why they may have changed their mind about a certain character. I really loved doing this for an entire week and I think I’m going to continue to do a week of regular fairy tales and then a week of  fractured.




3. At the beginning of April each year, I always give my students a challenge of reading 100 books by the end of the year. Each book has to be 10 pages and they have to record their books. It usually takes until at least May to get to 100 books but sometimes I have a few that are on their game. This little guy read his 100 books and was so excited and proud to show me. He got a reading medal, signed his name on the poster, and the kids danced on the tables to celebrate 🙂


4. I know this isn’t really close or anything, but my husband and I just confirmed our summer vacation. I LIVE for summer vacations! We are going to Aruba!

Ever been?

Tips…thoughts….musts? All welcome!

I am counting down the days!

DPI Galerry Image 15

5. If you haven’t linked up yet, we would love for you to join in our book study! You can jump in at any time! Tomorrow, Sarah over at First Grader at Last, is hosting Chapter 12 which is all about project-based and problem-based instruction.



  1. Hi Elizabeth- So sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well, but congratulations on your pregnancy. My friend is going through her first trimester too, and it sounds much like what you described. I hope it gets easier for you soon!. I love your 100 books idea… what a fun way to excite your students about reading. Aruba looks beautiful – Happy planning!!! Enjoy the weekend, and thanks for the reminder about the book study! I plan to join in this week!
    Once Upon a Classroom: A Teacher’s Tales