At Least it’s Hummmppp Daaay!!!

I don’t know about you, but my day started off with my spraying Odor Eater in my hair as hairspray.

I got to school and got my scalding hot tea knocked over on my hand by a tiny person. I’m hoping that “Watch it, buddy” came out of my mouth instead of the other words I was thinking…

I guess I’ll know later by the scathing parent e-mail that would be sure to follow.

My vice principal walked in while I was hysterically laughing at a kid who just told my reading group to “look alive people!” I have no idea where he learned that term…

At least it’s…


Maybe you’re day was a little smoother than mine?

I have winners!

Tracy Jackson and Laura Nabors…you got mail!

I was looking through my Wednesday Word Problems today and realized I did not have an apple one. I have corrected the error of my ways. Here’s a problem for you…to do next week (womp womp).

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If you didn’t win this unit, head on over to check out Lisa’s Birthday giveaway happening for another 3 days! This girl has put together an awesome giveaway. Give her a little birthday love while you’re over there!

birthday bonanza 1 (1)

Well, if you got nothing other than a laugh and a freebie from this post, then I’ve accomplished my blog task for the day!




  1. Your Wednesday sounds like my Tuesday! My highlight…my classroom sink shot water all over me just seconds before the pipe to the water fountain in the yard outside of my room burst…all during recess! Super awesome! At least it’s almost Friday! Thanks for the freebie!

  2. Always an Adventure in Kindergarten says:

    Hope today is a better day! I have to keep telling myself that it isn’t Friday. I even laid out my jeans to wear today because I was so sure it was casual Friday! Boo. Now it’s only Thursday AND I don’t know what to wear.

    Thanks for the shoutout–it IS a pretty amazing giveaway. Thanks so much for helping to make it possible!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten

  3. Oh my! Hope today was better for you. Big hugs,