Five for Friday!

Without a doubt, my Five for Friday posts will always end in an exclamation point because let’s get real…the end of the year is a slow crawl to the finish line. 1. Speaking of slow crawl…behavior has taken a bit of a nose dive. It always does this time of the year. This year is […]

Book Study: Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: Chapter 16

Today miss (almost a Mrs.) Sarah Young at A Rocky Top Teacher is hosting chapter 16 this week! Make sure to link up with her and share all of your ideas with technology! This girl is a GENIUS when it comes to technology. I’m sure she’s going to share all types of amazing things with […]

Peek at My Week!

Before I get to all of the business stuff…can I just tell you a little bit about my fun GoNoodle weekend!?! Why I love this little bloggy world so much is because I get to spend time with these people. There was possibly a little bit of shopping involved… We also got to spend time […]

Book Study: Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: Chapter 14 & 15

Today, Kim and Megan are hosting the linky party on their blog. We are covering two chapters today…14 &15. Chapter 14 is all about role playing, drama, pantomimes, and charades. I don’t know that I cover them all equally as well, but I do feel like I am somewhat ok at this strategy and I […]

Book Study: Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: Chapter 13

Little switch of plans today! Stephanie over at Falling Into First is hosting Chapter 13 today. I like it when my kids are having conversations with each other. The longer I’ve taught, the more that I’ve let up on allowing for kids to interject and allow for more time to talk and think. One way […]

Peek at My Week

It’s weather week! We are going to be eating thunder cake, learning new weather vocabulary and doing some cloud watching. In the middle of all of that, we also have our April presentations about Field Trips this week. It’s supposed to rain all week so I guess this week is the perfect week to learn […]

Book Study: Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: Chapter 12

I’m a little late to the linky party today! I have to admit that I have been partaking in some retail therapy today 🙂 But, I’m here! I’m ready to go for problem-based and project-based learning. I know I’ve shared this picture before, but I think that it represents what we should be allowing our […]

Five for Friday!

Happy Friday!!! If I’m being honest here…I kind of thought Friday would never get here. It’s sort of been one of those weeks 🙂 1. Part of the reason it might have been an extra slow week is because I am still in full first trimester fun. I kind of feel like a totally different […]