What is BUILD math?

I first heard of BUILD from someone who commented on one of my pictures and told me I should look in to it. So I did. And I love it. There is a lot of different versions of BUILD, but this is the format that I follow. I use tubs to store all of my […]

February Goodies Giveaway

Hey y’all! It has been a rough few days in my world. Darn that flu. It has hit me and taken me straight down. I have been couch ridden and binge watching Downton Abbey. If I don’t go back to school tomorrow I’m going to put on a prom dress, start serving tea and having […]

Punctuation Police

I have had this idea swirling in my head since the beginning of the year that I was going to turn my classroom in to a crime scene where students have to be “punctuation police”. Kim Bearden does grammar police at RCA and when I went back last week, I just knew that I was […]

My Weekend at RCA

You guys. I just don’t even know if I can put this weekend in to words. I am floored by my experience yet again at Ron Clark Academy. The energy and excitement and RIGOR (like 5th graders doing math that I was doing in high school) is beyond my realm of comprehension. I feel like […]

Peek at My Week

My heart is so incredibly full after this weekend visiting Ron Clark Academy. I promise that I’m going to fill you in on my amazing weekend but I am still in such a mesmerized state that I’m not sure I could do it justice this afternoon. I also went to bed after midnight the past […]

The Behavior Chart Stays

I know, I know. This has been a big heated debate over the past couple of months. Parents and teachers alike don’t like the “clip-chart”. Well, let me be the first to say that I have tried to do without it. Actually, all six Kindergarten teachers in my building tried it. We all agreed around […]

Peek at My Week

I think I could get used to this 3 day weekend deal. I was in a wedding Saturday so that was pretty much all of Friday and Saturday. We clean up every so often 🙂  Then, I sort of got to have my full weekend Sunday and Monday. I would vote for 3 day weekends […]

Five for Friday

We MADE it! And we didn’t even get a snow day…wah. 1. We spent a lot of time learning about matter this week! We did some hands-on experiments and walked around the school to find solids. 2. My childhood best friend is getting married this weekend. I am SO excited for her and for all […]