Apple and Pumpkin Math {Giveaway}

It’s finally Fall Break and before I head out to the beach {don’t hate me}…I posted up my new unit for math tubs. We do math tubs in my room but you might do centers or stations. Whatever you call it…I needed some fresh activities for my math tubs. I do math rotations so that […]

Apple Taste Test {Freebie}

Apples…everywhere. Literately, we read 10 Apples Up On Top earlier today and they cut out apples to stack on top of their pictures. I have been picking  up apple bits and pieces since school ended. The life of a Kindergarten teacher… Even if I am picking up apple remnants all over the room, I love […]

Peek at My Week {Apples and Fall}

Fall Break is so close I can almost taste it. Or that might just be the pumpkin candle and chili that are making me have sensory overload. I really get excited about everything Fall. I buy every pumpkin and apple picture book I can get my hands on. My October book collection is out of […]

Vowel Surgery

WHEW!!!! What a day. The best comment I got was, “That was SO hard but SO fun.” Bingo….nailed it on the head. That was the point sir 🙂 You can do as much or as little as you want with this post. I tend to take things a little bit beyond where they probably should […]

Science Tools in Kindergarten

I remember last year reading the standard about students using tools. I thought…”Ok, how can I make this fun?” I always catch myself brushing science and social studies to the side at times. I am trying reallllyyyy hard this year to make it an everyday occurrence because they love it! Most students tend to be […]

Peek at My Week {Community Helpers}

It’s the week of “boom…everything happens in a week”. Picture day, fire truck visit, first observation, vowel surgery…you name it. It’s happening in my room this week. It’s going to controlled chaos at best. Which, I’m fine with…really. Here are my plans. I’m not sure if there was any point to trying to make them […]

3-D Shape Hunt {Freebie}

Oh hi. I’ve been a little absent this week from the blog. There have been other things a little more pressing to take care of so I wanted to make sure that when I did post, it would be something worth while. I’ve had so many things I wanted to share and just not enough […]

ABC Football

I really had no idea how exciting a game of pretend football with construction paper flags could really be. But let me tell you, it’s the talk of the day after you play. I’m going to have to think of every kind of football game I can because they were eating it UP. I am […]