Five for Friday

Wow. Now I remember what waking up at 6 a.m. and working for a full week feels like. Talk about a shock to the system. Even though my beauty sleep has suffered, we have been doing all kinds of great things since we’ve been back. Isn’t is amazing how much they “grow up” over the […]

Addition Boot Camp

We got back from break and it was like addition was a foreign language. Last week, we had a bit of an intervention. I have been using these for the past couple of years. Please excuse the marks all over them because they have had a bit of love. This is the addition side.  It’s […]

Sunday Planning and Font Frenzy

It’s Sunday and I should have gotten a lot more done than I have. I had a dream (nightmare really) last night that I woke up and it was Monday. I just skipped over Sunday all together. Worst. Dream. Ever. I usually go to church, get my grocery shopping done, workout, and iron my school […]

Making Fonts!

You would think it’s Christmas in my room this week. I have shown my kids how to make their own font and they have gone bananas for it. Who knew? In my own attempt to create my own fonts, I think I have created little font making monsters in my room. Today during free choice […]

Power of Faith

I came in to blog about my lesson plans this week. Since it seems like we are going to have unpredictable weather, I have been inpsired to not blog about anything school related (surprise, surprise). It’s just a cold, wet, unpreditable mess of a school week. Therefore, I have concluded that this post will be […]

Pocket Dice with a Freebie and Giveaway!

I’m feeling very proud of myself that I have a school topic to blog about. Of course, Amazon and shopping will be a part of this post but that is neither here nor there. I first heard about these from the fabulous Kathleen Pedersen at her Vegas PD (you better be making your Vegas plans!!!). […]

Linky It Up

There are all of these fun linky parties happening that I couldn’t pick just one. I have bno classroom ideas for ya because, let’s be honest, I am trying to savor every last minute of my break. I know that a lot of people had to go back yesterday (2 day week..very productive) but according […]

Teachers of Instagram Linky Party!

This week is my “blogiversary” and I to be honest, I wanted to think of a way to celebrate without having to do a crazy giveaway! I love doing giveaways. However, the giveaway happened this weekend at our Nashville Blogger Meetup. While we were all together, we chatted about how much we all love Instagram. […]