Peek at My Week…First Week!

Last week, I got to meet all of my sweet little kiddos. I am way girl heavy this year! I have half the amount of boys that I do girls which must be God’s way of getting me ready for what’s to come in my life 🙂

I am already so looking forward to this week with them. Last week, we just went for half days. This week, we begin the real deal.

Bless them. They are going to be so tired and we don’t take naps.

Anyone out there teaching K still take naps? I would SO bring back nap time if we had enough hours in our day!

I’m so excited that it’s time to start back up with “Peek at My Week”. Deedee hosts this fun linky party every Sunday, so if you want to share your plans, write your post and link up with Deedee!

peek at my week 2015

Deedee shared some pictures from her classroom, and I have to admit…I didn’t change anything this year. My room looks exactly the same. Being 27 weeks pregnant didn’t leave me a lot of wiggle room to get after it with the hot glue this year. I kind of went all out last year so I gave myself a break and just kept it so 2014.


A lot of people ask me about this, but all of the Kindergarten teachers at my school put their rug in the middle of the room. We are on the carpet all of the time and it just sends the message that it’s our central most important spot in the room 🙂


This is my guided reading area. I have it in the front of the room so I can keep all eyes out on the floor when they are doing literacy stations. It’s also another central spot in the room.


I got all of these bins last year from Big Lots for my library to store all of my books. The green baskets are books by interest, the pink baskets are for books by favorite author and the blue baskets are for the leveled library.



Again, these are my recycled pictures from last year because my room is exactly the same this year. I know that I’ll probably be sick of it next year but some years you just can’t redo everything 🙂

Now, on to my lesson plans!

I am optimistic and I’m going to try and get as much done as I can this week. We had our “soft start” (i.e. half days) last week and it’s time to really get going this week. Since I have a limited amount of time with these kiddos, I want to make sure they are fully prepped for my interim in November when I go on maternity leave. We are starting full speed ahead this week really REALLY focusing on procedures and rules.

I am also going to begin Reader’s and Math Workshop. I am also going to start BUILD this week and literacy stations, but we are going to be doing them together whole group so they can start learning some of the basic procedures.

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It looks like a lot and it is a lot…but I am confident in my group this year! Here are links to everything that I’m using this week.





This emergent reader is a freebie.


We are also going to start Chit Chat this week. I just do it with the kids on the smart board.


We are also going to start Math Workshop and I love these units!


And Kim Adsit has the best Reader’s Workshop that we follow along with all year.


Last year, many of you asked about what I do for “Name of the Day” and here is a post with specifics if you are interested in that activity.

Have a wonderful week!


  1. This gives me hope that I can accomplish my very full plans that look similar to yours!!

  2. Thanks so much for this! I was wondering what did you do for your half days? Thanks again, Caterina

  3. I love that you have your rug smack dab in the middle of your classroom and, girl…I’m so glad you are cutting yourself a little break…your body will thank you for it! Can’t wait to “meet” that little baby of yours!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  4. Ahh… Naps! I remember when…

    Did we already talk about the fact that I have that same navy blue carpet from Target?

    Love it and YOU!

    • I think so…dang that rug is from college and is still holding strong! Might also be because it’s almost black and you can’t see any dirt 🙂
      xoxo miss you and love you back!

  5. Love your plans! Thank you! I’m definitely going to use some of your ideas for my first year of full day K.

  6. Hi! I teach in a charter school and we do still nap in Kindergarten due to our extended hours! It won’t last for long though with all we need to get done. I would love to get a deeper explanation of how you introduce centers and do them whole group. We use BUILD, as well as some of your literacy center resources and want to establish strong center procedures right away this year. With so many new teachers on my team it would be a huge help! Thank you!

  7. Jenn Policha says:

    What do you do for your “Name of the Day”?