Summer Top Ten

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My summer officially started yesterday and the plans have been rolling off my lips ever since they said “See ya in August!”.

Deanna Jump {you might know her?} ย is having a summer top ten list. I thought I would join in on the fun since I have been neglecting this poor little blog of mine. Also, I’m just going to be straight up with you. I have no educational wisdom for you at this point in time #summerbrain

1. ย I started Game of Thrones last week. It has been ridiculous how many episodes I have completed in that amount of time. I am not going to divulge any more information other than I just want to finish it all…like yesterday.


2. Finish reading Crash Course. Someone might be making a trip to Atlanta next week to visit RCA…I wonder who that might be? I’ll have more for you once I finish. Let me tell you…if it’s not on your reading list for this summer, you are missing out!

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3. Hug a redwood.

Yes, you heard me right.

I want to give one if those trees a squeeze.


4. Finally go see Divergent! I read all three books and never made it to the movie theatre. It may still be out but now it’s probably showing once a day in the tiny theatre in the back. As long as I have my Junior Mints…I’m a happy camper.


5. Spend some quality pool time in Vegas with some of my faves! We all go to Vegas for the sessions, but let me tell you…there is just as much happening pool side. The other goal while in Vegas is to hold down my breakfast while I panel it up with Deedee, Greg, Cara and Erica for the TpT conference happening Friday.



6. Make lots of time to hang out with this guy. I kind of like him…think I am going to keep him.


7. Do an Advocare cleanse. Sorry…TMI. I do love them though. If you really stick to it and cut out the yucky stuff, it really is amazing how you feel after a couple of days .ย  advocare-herbal-cleanse

8. Kick my heels up in wine country. Jon and I are doing a little West Coast road trip (refer back to me hugging a tree). His best friend is getting married at a Christmas Tree farm in Oregon. We are going to start in Lake Tahoe and make our way up to Oregon. Hugging trees and drinking wine are two of my faves. Dang…I may not want to come home.


9. Lots of time right here doing a lot of nothing.


10. Run and then some. ย I have this wonderful trail right out my front door. I am going to try to hop on there more often this summer. I am also {maybe} going to try my first triathlon this summer. Don’t hold me to it. Actually, do hold me to it. It might give me some motivation!



  1. I cannot wait for Vegas! You’ll do fine! The presenters are always great.

    And Oregon is where I live! Beautiful state and place to get married! You’ll enjoy it! And yes, we have many wineries!

  2. Love your list! I hope you have a fabulous summer! You deserve it!!

  3. Love all of these! Have fun at RCA. It is on my list of things to do…just not this summer! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope to catch up with you in Vegas!

    Have a fabulous summer!

    A Rocky Top Teacher

  4. Good for you with all of your running! ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t wait to see you this summer!!


  5. Hope to finally meet up in Vegas this summer!!! I’m so looking forward to my first I Teach K! conference and TpT conference!! Enjoy your summer! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Keepin It Krazy