Sunday Planning

Y’all…boxes are taking over my entire house.

I can’t even show you a picture because it actually makes me want to crawl under my covers and hide.

It is a big messy mess.

A friend went for a run by the house today and snapped a picture and sent it to me.

Missing just a few things…

A yard, for starters.

securedownload (16)

I have escaped to my computer to share my plans for the week. It is one of my favorite weeks of teaching because we are going to be doing our first big author study. Jan Brett is the perfect author to introduce students to. I have wanted to update my old Jan Brett author study for so long and I finally did! The old cover is on my lesson plans but here is the newly revised Jan Brett study. I up-dated fonts and some of the layouts so they are a little more user friendly. I also added a re-tell for The Hat. Like I said last week, my students are in major need of re-tell {It’s on sale until midnight tonight).


I feel so much better.

If this is your first time, click on the image of the plans and they will take you to my docs where you can see them in PDF form.  Peek at my Week Linky Button

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We started subtraction last week.

Wow is all I can say.

If anyone has something they love love doing with their kiddos for subtraction, I am all ears.

Now I am back to watching the Bachelor wedding and The Grammys!


  1. Kristen Burdick says:

    Good luck with subtraction. Every year there are tears. Story problems help. I also make the kids cross out the number they are subtracting. I am so sorry and good luck.

  2. I like how your recess is broken up. We only get enough time to have a 15-20 minute recess a day, but it’s before lunch. Our specials break up our afternoon so the kids in first grade don’t have too much time in the classroom at once.

    I found your blog through Mrs. Wills “Peek at My Week” Linky. It is so helpful to look at other teacher’s plans and see how I can better my own.
    Would love for you to head over and check out my blog and peek at my week!
    If You Give a Teacher a Treat